What’s Behind the Glamorous Silkscreen Printed Corporate Gifts in Singapore

Glamorous Silkscreen Cotton Canvas Bags Printing
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Custom Tote Bags Printing As Corporate Gifts in Singapore – By DC9 Gifts

DC9 Gifts Pte Ltd supplies and delivers thousands of printed corporate gifts in Singapore every year. Each piece of printed product is carefully crafted and checked before we deliver to our clients.

As such, not many clients are aware of what is going on behind the printing processes at our in-house printing facility. This article aims to share the production flow behind corporate gifts printing in general and we are taking canvas bag printing as an example.

What you see above is a canvas bag fully printed with 6 different colors. It is an extrememly tedious production flow and takes years of experience to achieve the accuracy and vibrancy.

Before we start printing, we will have to do the following:

  1. Mix the required Pantone code color for the paint – this process takes years of experience to master to get it right.
  2. Position mounting – our production colleague will mount the printing frame on top of the printing board so that the product is printed at its required position.
  3. And finally we will do a test print to see if the Pantone code and position of printing is as requested by client.

What you see on on top is a finished canvas bag printing in different Pantone codes.